Wondering how you can settle payments every month? In this article, we’ll be guiding you to proceed with the payment via Tenant Portal.
- Invoice will be issued on the last day of the month (ie: 30 Apr 2024, 31 May 2024), you may proceed with the payment within 7 days from the day invoice is issued.
Late Payment Fee will be applied should you proceed with the payment after 7th of the month.
- 7 days after 7th of the month (8th to 15th): RM 50
- 14 after 7th of the month (16th to 21st): RM 100
STEP 1: Log in to Tenant Portal here: https://home.livein.com/my
STEP 2: Click the Menu on the top right corner > Unsettled Invoices
STEP 3: Click [Pay] button to proceed payment
Supported Payment Option
- Credit/ Debit Card (Visa / Master)
- Online Banking (FPX)
- E-wallet ( Boost / Grabpay / Maybank2u / TouchNGo)